NDIS Support Coordination
making your NDIS support work for you
Wattle Harmony NDIS Support Coordination services can help you get the support you need to live your way.
When National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was started, it was given first opportunity for many Australian with mental health needs to get supports from NDIS services providers which offered them help , hope and purpose – a chance to develop their skills according to their life goals and participate in community.

These NDIS packages provide access to psychosocial support – as Wattle Harmony offers. Psychosocial support assists people in handling daily activities, rebuilding and maintaining connections, engaging with education and employment, and participating in the community. These supports help individuals take positive steps in their mental health recovery journey.
But going through different supports embedded in different parts of a system can be daunting and overwhelming. That’s why Wattle Harmony offers our services to help NDIS participant to take step by step through the selection process of providers with our support coordination services.
Getting the proper support is complicated, and that’s where our NDIS Support coordination comes in.
Wattle offers two types of NDIS support coordination
Support Coordination
Our level 2 support coordination services will help you to navigate through the NDIS plan and give you choice and control to choose your suitable services.
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Let’s discuss this with us
In case of any queries or problems, contact our team at your convenience.